Thank you so much for those of you who requested the Reiki Prayer and ordered a pdf photo at Mt. Kurama. I was able to send prayers on 3/29, 30 and 4/11 at various locations at Mt. Kurama. I was happy to hear when some of you reported that you did feel a shift in your life after the prayers. I hope you all enjoyed the energy from the Mt. Kurama. Here are the choices of the photo designs for those of you who ordered a pdf photo. Please follow the directions below. 1. Please select a design from above that you like and email me the title. 2. Please send your payment to through Paypal, $10 for English or Japanese only, $17 for one in English and one in Japanese. 3. You will receive an email with the pdf attached of a photo with your personalized prayer requested by you. 4. Print it out, frame it or do whatever you desire! For those of you who did not have chance to order a pdf photo before, stay tuned for the Reiki Photography Store! More photographs in print, posters, postcard, Christmas cards and calendars to come!