by mishacookie | Nov 29, 2007 | Uncategorized
It is said that Mao landed on this stone 6,500,000 years ago from Venus to save the earth. When I placed my hand near the stone, I felt the dense energy past the rope. The rope is called Shimenawa. Shimenawa is a rope that separate the sacred space for worshiping...
by mishacookie | Nov 7, 2007 | Uncategorized
A long time ago, Buddha taught us that when we get rid of hatred, anger and greed, there is peace. Now we have a “Japanese constitution” humanity treasures that state of the courageous choice of not fighting. So that we won’t be sad because of warSo that others won’t...
by mishacookie | Oct 24, 2007 | Uncategorized
There is a Mandala located in front of the main temple. It is called Kon Gou Shou. According to Japanese wikipedia, Kon Gou is a Buddhist term that means the hardest metal on earth. For example, it is said that Kon Gou stone means diamond. Shou means floor or bed. So,...
by mishacookie | Oct 17, 2007 | Uncategorized
Big News for Reiki Photography!Open Center Bookstore is now carrying Reiki Photography greeting cards! They are trying them out for couple weeks and see how they sell. If you live in NY, please stop by and check it out in next couple weeks. It’s a blank card, so it...
by mishacookie | Oct 11, 2007 | Uncategorized
The main temple is guarded by two Tiger statues. Generally most of the temples are guarded by dog statues, but Kurama Temple has Tigers because of the temple’s special association to the Tiger. The history of Mt. Kurama begins with Bishamonten saving one of the monk...
by mishacookie | Oct 3, 2007 | Uncategorized
I finally reached to the main temple compelx! I didn’t do that much research about Mt. Kurama before I got there, so I did not expect to see so much leading up to the main temple. I was so happy that reached what I thought was my goal, the main Kurama Temple, but...