Free Virtual Reiki 1 Review
Come join my first-ever Free Virtual 60 min Reiki 1 Review on Sat, May 6 11am-Noon.-
How is your daily Reiki self-care going?
Do you still chant Reiki precepts?
Are you taking time for your spiritual-centering practice?
Reconnect and refresh your Reiki practice.
In this informal event, we will review some of the contents from Reiki 1.
Come ready to share your experience or ask any questions.
For any of my Reiki Students who have taken my Purple Fish Healing or The New York Open Center Reiki class.
DM me the year you took my Reiki class so I can send you the Zoom link.
May 16, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time
Please email reiki@purplefishhealing.com to receive the zoom link. Registration closes on Thursday, May 4th at 10pm EST